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Written by Grand Master Scyther November 16th, 2005 Hello fellow trainers. It's been awhile since my last article, so I'm long overdue. I'll be starting a new tradition with my articles. Whenever a new expansion comes out I'll type up an article covering a few select cards from the set. To kick things off, I decided to purchase a few packs of the newest expansion, Delta Species, and the cards I pulled out kind of took me by surprise. I dug through my cards and pulled out a few I thought ought to be mentioned. The two Pokemon that stood out in my packs were Skarmory and Kirlia. Let's start with Kirlia. A stage one Pokemon with 70 HP isn't too bad, and its two moves on require a max of two energy, with only one needing to be psychic. Psychic Boom (PC) will do 20 damage plus 10 more for each energy attached to the Defending Pokemon. I'm assuming this means energy, and not energy card (so Double Colorless Energy would provide 2 in this case). That's not too bad, as it can help quickly down a higher up Pokemon, but the fun lies in Calm Mind (C). For just that one colorless energy you can remove 3 damage counters from Kirlia, no discard or nothing. Next up is Skarmory, another 70 HP Pokemon. Cry for Help isn't too bad, allowing you to search for a steel-type Pokemon, not counting EXs, and using Steel Wing reduces your opponent's attack by 20 the next turn, but look at it's Poke-BODY: Shining Horn. As long as Skarmory's the only Pokemon you have in play, your opponent can't attack with Basic Pokemon. This is very useful to stall for a few turns while you build your hand, and once you have the energy slap down a few more basics to your bench. Not bad at all. A new type of colorless energy, Holon Energy GL, will protect certain types of Pokemon, in this case, grass and electric. If attached to a grass type it can't be affected by special conditions, while attaching to an electric Pokemon reduces damage from your opponent's EX Pokemon by 10. The effects are ignored if attached to EX Pokemon, but will still provide the energy. Lastly, the Great Ball and Master Ball make an appearance. The Great Ball is good for searching out Basic non-EX Pokemon, as there's no coin flip or nothing. With the Master Ball you just look at the top 7 cards of your deck and choose a basic or evolution card to put in your hand and put the other six back on top of your deck. There are a few other things I noticed in this set, like one of the Eevee cards is a steel type and Dragonair is electric, but other than that, some of these cards look very useful. I plan on getting more in the future, so you may see another article from me. Until next time, keep training. |