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Holon Phantoms: First Look
Written by Grand Master Scyther
June 15th, 2006

     Greetings trainers. This is NeoMaster Scyther with a first look at the newest Pokemon CCG expansion: Holon Phantoms. While out with a friend yesterday I picked up a couple packs, and I must have missed something since Delta Species or something, because I’m puzzled by some of these cards I got.

     After throwing the cards in numerical order the first card staring at me is Cradily Delta. I like what Nintendo’s done with making some Pokemon split types. This puts it more towards the game, where some Pokemon can have moves of both of their types. Cradily’s no exception. It’s Harsh Fluid move costs DC (one Dark, one Colorless), does 20 damage, and puts 5 damage counters on the Defending Pokemon at the end of your opponent’s next turn. With 100 HP, chances are good that your opponent will be taking a total of 90 damage in just two turns (20 on your turn, 50 at the end of his, and another 20 on your next turn), almost guaranteeing a KO. Being a Stage 2, you might want to keep this one on the bench until you get the energy needed, but that shouldn’t take long.

     Another interesting card is Regice. 80 HP isn’t that bad for a strong Basic Pokemon, and its Icy Wind may seem slightly weak compared to its cost (WWC, 50% chance of putting Defending Pokemon to sleep), but Regice’s Poke-Body makes up for it, since it can’t be affected by Special Conditions, such as Poison, Sleep, and Burn (amazing, ice that doesn’t burn and melt). With a weakness to Steel and a Retreat Cost of two, this may be one to consider putting in a Water-type deck.

     Another card I find useful is Holon’s Castform. Basically, it’s a 50 HP draw machine. For one colorless energy, you can count the number of Delta Pokemon you have in play and draw up to that many cards. If your hand is empty, you have a full bench, and all your Pokemon are Delta, that’s seven cards you can draw. Almost like an instant Professor Oak. Not only that, but you can attach it from your hand to a Pokemon with at least one Energy card on it, then return one of that Pokemon’s Energy card to your and. Holon’s Castform then provides 2 of every type of energy to that Pokemon. Imagine using that on Pokemon with multiple Energy costs.

     However, I do have a few issues with Holon Phantoms. First off, why did Nintendo make Basic Energy cards rare? I understand possibly making foil versions of them, but save that for other Energy cards and keep basics common. Second, what’s with making Pokemon different types now? Since when is Magikarp Steel or Omanyte Psychic? Since when is Oddish a Water type? Heck, Golduck is Lightning? My only thought is that this is what Delta Pokemon are like. Simply modified Pokemon that can use attacks that they normally couldn’t. Finally, what’s with the [?] Pokemon? Of the three in this set (Mewtwo [?], Pikachu [?], and Gryados [?]), Gyrados [?] is the only one that is tough enough to deem only having one per deck. It’s All Out Blast is like a last ditch effort to win, but Mewtwo and Pikachu don’t seem that tough.

     Well, that’s my first look at Pokemon EX: Holon Phantoms. As usual, these are just my opinions. I hope to gather more cards soon, and hopefully when the new set comes out I’ll make this a usual thing to review each set. Until next time, keep training.