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Exploring Different Types Part II: Grass
Written by Grand Master Scyther
September 29th, 2003

     Hello again Pokemon TCG trainers. GM Scyther again with another of my articles. This one focuses on another type of TCG Pokemon types: Grass type Pokemon. Grass type Pokemon have been quite powerful since day one, including the powerful Venusaur from the Base Set. It's solo attack of Solar Beam may do only 60 damage (I know, ONLY?), but it makes up for that with 100 HP, a retreat cost of only 2 (which isn't bad for a stage 2 Pokemon), and the ability to move one grass energy card from one Pokemon to another each turn. This is useful when you don't have the energy to pull off Solarbeam, but a weaker Pokemon is pumped with energy. Another use is with Executor's Egg Bomb. Just move the energy to Executor when a Pokemon is weak to pump it up even more. Each energy card is another potential 20 points of damage.

     Another potential winner is Team Rocket's Dark Muk. It's Pokemon Power prevents the defending Pokemon from retreating unless they pay two more energy to do so. Combine that with an attack that will always poison the defending Pokemon, and the game should be in your favor unless a huge heavy hitter enters the scene.

     The later expansions have some really nice Grass type Pokemon. Neo Discovery gives us a Scyther that has potential. However, if you're really unlucky with coin flips, stay away from it. Its base attack is 10 damage for two Grass energy and a retreat cost of 1 energy. However, for each heads, the extra damage goes up, from 10 for one heads, 20 for two, 40 for three, and a whopping 80 for four, meaning two energy can get you anywhere from 10 to 90 damage. Not bad.

     One of the best Grass types in the game in my opinion has to be the Sandstorm version of Beedrill. First off, NO RETREAT COST!!! That's practically unheard of with stage 2 Pokemon. That's countered by no resistance though, but a nice trade off. Also, once Beedrill hits play from your hand to evolve a Kakuna (or Weedle if used with Pokemon Breeder), the defender is now Paralyzed and Poisoned. Very nice. The attack is very similar to Scyther's described above. The only difference is the additional damage for each heads is 10, 20, 50, and 90, and the attack also costs only 2 energy…colorless to boot.

     Well, that's my take on Grass type Pokemon. In a couple weeks, expect another article up, this one focusing on Water type Pokemon. Each set has it's ups and downs with this type, I plan to explore several different Water Pokemon. Until next time, keep training.