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Exploring Different Types Part V: Electric
Written by Grand Master Scyther
October 28th, 2003

     Hello again TCG trainers. Grand Master Scyther once again with a look at Electric type Pokemon. Electric Pokemon will usually have some nice attacks, but the older Pokemon usually have their drawbacks, as I'll explain below.

     Whether or not you're into Pokemon, I'm sure at one point you've heard of Pikachu. Nearly half if not most expansions have a Pikachu tucked away somewhere. Skyridge has a nice Pikachu. It has 50 HP, a retreat cost of 1, and its attack Max Voltage can do 20 damage plus 10 more damage for each Electric Energy card discarded from Pikachu. Unfortunately, you have to discard all Electric Energy cards from Pikachu to use the attack, but with no coin flip involved, it's a nice tradeoff.

     One of the weaker Electric Pokemon in my opinion is also from Skyridge, that being Magnemite. It has the typical Thunder Wave to possibly paralyze your opponent, but its other attack is somewhat weak. For one Electric Energy, you do 10 damage and move one Energy Card from the Defending Pokemon to one of your opponent's benched Pokemon, provided that a simple coin flip is heads. A nice move, but only works half the time. The other half you'll just be doing 10 damage. There are plenty of other Magnemites out there that can provide 10 damage.

     Going back to the Base Set for a minute, Electabuzz is a nice Pokemon to include in an Electric deck. It has 70 HP, the ability to possibly paralyze something while doing 10 damage, and can do either 40 damage, or 30 damage and 10 damage to itself for only 2 Energy cards, and only 1 has to be Electric. Its Retreat Cost of 2 isn't too hard to get around. If you're looking for a couple Electric Pokemon to round out your deck, consider an Electabuzz or two.

     If you want to save some room in a deck, Electrode (from the Base Set) can provide two Energy of any one color. The only downsides are that it can't be used to save yourself if affected by a special condition, and you have to knock it out to do so, meaning that your opponent may draw a prize card. Other than that, 80 HP, a retreat cost of 1, and 50 damage (an possibly 10 to yourself) for 3 Electric Energy? No complaints here.

     That's my rant on Electric Pokemon. In my next article I'll explain some details about the final non-colorless Pokemon from the first six types: Fighting. Until next time, keep training.