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Written by Grand Master Scyther November 24th, 2003 Welcome TCG Trainers to my latest installment of articles focusing on various types of Pokemon. Today I'll be looking at colorless Pokemon, which can virtually fit in almost any deck, as I'll explain down the road. My first pick today is Dragonite from the Expedition expansion. This is a decent Pokemon with a very nice Poke-Power: Tailwind. This reduces the retreat costs of all your Pokemon to 0 as long as Dragonite is on the bench. Its Dragon Tail attack is nice, but could be costly. It takes one fighting, one water, and one electric energy to use. This means you either need a pure (or mostly pure) colorless deck or a deck using water, electric, and fighting Pokemon, or maybe just a deck that uses that kind of energy. Whatever the case may be, the attack requires two coin flips and does 40x damage. So you could to 80 damage, or you could do none. Kind of costly in my opinion. One of the top colorless Pokemon in my opinion has to be the Jungle version of Pidgeot, which was coincidentally reprinted in the Legendary Collection, making it legal for modified tournaments. Its HP may be low for a Stage 2 Pokemon, but its attack of Hurricane makes up for that. With a retreat cost of absolutely nothing (which if you remember I said a while back that's almost unheard of for a Stage 2), for three energy you can do 30 damage to your opponent and if he's not knocked out, the defending Pokemon and all attached cards are returned to their hand. If your opponent has a Charizard or Venusaur out, this can be very handy, especially when going against an Alakazam/Chansey/Scoop Up stall deck. Just make sure not to Hurricane Chansey back to their hand. My last main pick of the week is Dark Dragonair from Team Rocket. Once again, a low HP but a Poke-Power and attack that more than makes up for it, plus more. Look closely at the bottom of the card. See anything strange? No? How about no weakness and a resistance to psychic Pokemon. Dragons are tough to take down. Its Pokemon Power Evolutionary Light allows you to search your deck once a turn for an evolution card and put it into your hand. Simply put, if your bench is empty search for a Dark Dragonite (which is the only thing Dark Dragonair can evolve into) and play it next turn. Then use Dark Dragonite's power to search for two basics and put them on your bench. Nice little combo that plays out very well. While I'm done with my picks, I'm throwing out an honorable mention to Eevee. This little puppy can evolve into one of FIVE different Pokemon: Flareon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Espeon, and Umbreon, making it useful in just about any deck, as mentioned above. Well, that's it for this week. I know I went off on a tangent with colorless and their versatility, but the more you know, the better prepared you'll be. Next article I'll look at one of the newest types: Dark. Until next time, keep training. |