Move | Type | ACC | DMG | PP | Description | Learn |
Ancientpower | Rock | 100% | 60 | 5 | Damages and may raise all stats of you pokémon by 1 (temporary effect) | Level |
Attract | Normal | 100% | — | 15 | IF the enemy is of the opposite sex, enemy may not attack. (50% chance) | TM45 |
Back Stab | Normal | 75% | 80 | 10 | Has a good chance of a critical hit | Level |
Baton Pass | Normal | — | — | 40 | Switches your pokémon, but all the stat bonuses (i.e. agility would affect the swapped pokemon with the boosted speed). | Level |
Charm | Normal | 100% | — | 20 | Greatly lowers the enemy's attack. (temporary effect) | Level |
Cross Chop | Fighting | 80% | 100 | 5 | Good chance of a critical hit | Level |
Crunch | Dark | 100% | 80 | 15 | Has a 20% chance of lowering your enemy's special defense. (temporary effect) | Level |
Curse | ??? | — | — | 10 | IF used by a Ghost type:Cuts it's HP in half and deals the damage for every turn. If used by any other type:Your pokémon lowers it's speed and increases it's attack. | TM03 |
Destiny Bond | Ghost | — | — | 5 | If your pokémon uses this move and it faints, the enemy faints as well. (cheater....) | Level |
Detect | Fighting | — | — | 5 | Blocks the enemy's attack. The chances of success lowers if it is used too many times. | TM43 |
Dragonbreath | Dragon | 100% | 60 | 20 | Damages and paralyze opponent (30% chance). | TM24 |
Dynamicpunch | Fighting | 50% | 100 | 5 | Deals damage and confuses the enemy. (temporary effect) | TM01 |
Encore | Normal | 100% | — | 5 | Makes the enemy repeat the last move for 2-6 turns | Level |
Endure | Normal | — | — | 10 | Your pokémon's HP can't be cut below 1 when it is used on your turn. The chances of success decrease it you use it too much. | TM20 |
Faint Attack | Dark | — | 60 | 20 | Like Swift, it always hits but more powerful | Level |
False Swipe | Normal | 100% | 40 | 40 | Deals the damage but it the enemy will always have at least 1 HP left no matter what. | Level |
Flail | Normal | 100% | — | 15 | The lower your HP is the more damage you do. | Level |
Flame Wheel | Fire | 100% | 60 | 25 | Damages and may burn the enemy (10% chance). Un-freezes your pokémon and the enemy's pokémon. | Level |
Frustration | Normal | 100% | — | 20 | The damage increases the more your Pokémon dislikes you. | TM21 |
Fury Cutter | Bug | 95% | 10 | 20 | Damage doubles each time you use it. Your damage returns back to normal if you miss. | TM49 |
Giga Drain | Grass | 100% | 60 | 5 | Your pokémon recovers HP equal to half the damage dealt in the last turn. | TM19 |
Heal Bell | Normal | — | — | 5 | Eliminates all effects on all friendly Pokémon. | Level |
Hidden Power | Normal | 100% | — | 15 | The attack is random. It depends on your pokémon's type. | TM10 |
Icy Wind | Ice | 95% | 55 | 15 | Damages and lowers the enemy's speed. | TM16 |
Iron Tail | Steel | 75% | 100 | 15 | Damages and may lower the enemy's defense. | TM23 |
Lock-On | Normal | 100% | — | 5 | Like Focus Enrgy, but better. It gives you a 100% chance of hitting the enemy. | Level |
Magnitude | Ground | 100% | — | 30 | Random damage of 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, or 150. | Level |
Mean Look | Normal | 100% | — | 5 | Prevents running away of the wild pokémon. Prevention lasts only if the pokémon stays in battle. | Level |
Mind Reader | Normal | 100% | — | 40 | Allows your pokémon to attack enemies that have become hard to damage (i.e. a Scyther who has used Double Team to increase it's evade). Also allows Normal and Fighting moves to damage Ghost types. | Level |
Mirror Coat | Psychic | 100% | — | 20 | Like Bide, only except it damages when you get hit by special attacks. (i.e. Psychic) | Level |
Moonlight | Normal | — | — | 5 | Restores a random amount of HP. Depends on the time of the night. | Level |
Morning Sun | Normal | — | — | 5 | Restores a random amount of HP. Depends on the time of the day. | Level |
Mud-Slap | Ground | 100% | 20 | 10 | Like Sand Attack, but it damages. (temporary effect) | TM31 |
Nightmare | Ghost | 100% | — | 15 | Works on sleeping pokémon. Cuts 1/4 HP each turn. | TM50 |
Outrage | Dragon | 100% | 90 | 15 | Damages for 2-3 turns then your pokémon get's confused. | Level |
Perish Song | Normal | — | — | 5 | Faints both pokémon in 3 turns. It is canceled it any of the pokémon are switched. | Level |
Protect | Normal | — | — | 10 | The enemy's attack does 0 damage. The chances of success are decreased when used too much. | TM17 |
Psych Up | Normal | — | — | 10 | Copies all the temporal stat changes from the enemy. (i.e. A Scyther who has maxed out on using Double Team) | TM09 |
Persuit | Dark | 100% | 40 | 20 | Doubles the damage to the enemy if he tries to switch during this attack. | Level |
Rain Dance | Water | — | — | 5 | Temporarily increases the damage of water attacks for 5 turns. | TM18 |
Rapid Spin | Normal | 100% | 20 | 40 | Damages and stops multi-round attacks (i.e. Wrap, Fire Spin, Leech Seed, etc.) | Level |
Return | Normal | 100% | — | 20 | Damage increases the more the enemy is attracted to your pokémon. | TM27 |
Reversal | Fighting | 100% | — | 15 | The lower the HP the more damage is done. | Level |
Rock Smash | Fighting | 100% | 20 | 15 | Damages and may lower the ememy's defense. | TM08 |
Rollout | Rock | 90% | 30 | 20 | Attacks 1-5 turns doubling in damage each turn. Damage is returned to normal if it misses. This attack continues even if your opponent switches pokémon. | TM04 |
Safeguard | Normal | — | — | 25 | Protects against status changing attacks. The protection is lost when you are hit with a stat-changing move. | Level |
Sandstorm | Rock | — | — | 10 | Both pokémon take damage except Rock, Ground, and Steel type pokémon. | TM37 |
Scary Face | Normal | 90% | — | 10 | Greatly lowers the enmey's speed (temporary effect). | Level |
Shadow Ball | Dark | 100% | 80 | 15 | Deals damage and may greatly lower the enemy's special defese. (20% chance). | TM30 |
Sleep Talk | Normal | 100% | — | 10 | Attacks when your pokémon is asleep. Randomly attacks the enemy with one of it's own attacks. | TM35 |
Snore | Normal | 100% | 40 | 15 | Attacks when your pokémon is asleep. Damages and the enemy may flich (30% chance). | TM13 |
Spite | Ghost | 100% | — | 10 | Lowers the PP by 2-5 of the last move that the enemy used. | Level |
Steel Wing | Steel | 90% | 70 | 25 | Damages and may raise your defense. (temporary effect) | TM47 |
Sunny Day | Grass | — | — | 5 | Increases the damage of grass moves for 5 turns. Solar Beam doesn't need charging and Synthesis effectiveness is boosted. | TM11 |
Swagger | Normal | 90% | — | 15 | Confuses the enemy, but greatly lowers your attack. | TM34 |
Sweet Kiss | Normal | 75% | — | 10 | Confuses the enemy (75% chance). | Level |
Sweet Scent | Normal | 100% | — | 20 | Lowers the chance of the enemy to evade your attack. Also increases the chance of running into wild pokémon outside of battle. | TM12 |
Synthesis | Grass | — | — | 5 | Restores a random HP. Depends on the time of day. | Level |
Thief | Dark | 100% | 40 | 10 | Steal items carried by wild Pokémon. Damages if it doesn't have an item. | TM46 |
Twister | Dragon | 100% | 40 | 20 | Damages and may scare the enemy. (20% chance) | Level |
Whirlpool | Water | 70% | 15 | 15 | Damages 2-5 turns. Enemy cannot escape using Rapid Spin. | HM06 |
Zap Cannon | Electric | 50% | 100 | 5 | Damages and paralyzes the enemy. (50% accuracy) | TM07 |
Move | Type | ACC | DMG | PP | Description | Learn | Pokémon |
Aeroblast | Flying | 95% | 100 | 5 | Damages and has a chance of a critical hit. | Level | Lugia |
Beat Up | Dark | 100% | 10 | 10 | Attacks the amount of how many pokémon are carrying. Pokémon that have a stat change (i.e. sleep) do not count toward the number that you have. | Level | Sneasel |
Belly Drum | Normal | — | — | 10 | Boosts your attack to maximum, but cuts your HP in half. | Level | Snorlax |
Bone Rush | Ground | 80% | 25 | 10 | Attacks 2-5 times. | Level | Cubone Marowak |
Conversion2 | Normal | 100% | — | 30 | Switches your type that is most resistant of the enemy's attacks. | Level | Porygon Porygon2 |
Cotton Spore | Grass | 85% | — | 40 | Greatly lowers the enemy's speed | Level | Mareep Flaffy Ampharos |
Extremespeed | Normal | 100% | 80 | 5 | Attacks first. If your pokémon and the enemy use this move at the same time, the faster one goes first. | Level | Arcanine |
Future Sight | Psychic | 90% | 80 | 15 | The enemy's attack will be delayed and will happen 2 turns later. (90% chance) | Level | Kadabra |
Mach Punch | Fighting | 100% | 40 | 30 | Always attacks first. If your pokémon and the enemy use this move at the same time, the faster one goes first. | Level | Hitmonchan |
Megahorn | Bug | 85% | 120 | 10 | Damages | Level | Heracross |
Metal Claw | Steel | 95% | 50 | 35 | Damages and may increase your attack (10 chance of sucess & temporary effects). | Level | Scizor |
Milk Drink | Normal | — | — | 10 | Restores 1/2 of your HP or give 1/5 total HP to one other pokémon. | Level | Miltank |
Octazooka | Water | 85% | 65 | 10 | Damages and may lower the enemy's accuracy (10% chance of sucess & temporary effects). | Level | Remoraid Octillery |
Pain Split | Normal | 100% | — | 20 | Your pokémon and your opponent's pokémon raise or lower their HP to match the value of half the total difference between each pokémon. | Level | Misdreavus |
Present | Normal | 90% | — | 15 | Random effect. Either it does 40, 80, or 120 damage OR it heals the enemy 80 HP. | Level | Delibird |
Sacred Fire | Fire | 95% | 100 | 5 | Damages and has a 50% chance of burning the enemy. | Level | Ho-oh |
Sketch | Normal | — | — | 1 | Copies the enemy's last attack PERMINANTLY. It replaces Sketch with the new move. | Level | Smeargle |
Spark | Electric | 100% | 65 | 20 | Damages and may paralyze the enemy. | Level | Chinchou |
Spider Web | Bug | 100% | — | 10 | Outside of battle Prevents wild pokémon from running away. During battle Prevents the trainer from swiching pokémon. | Level | Spinarak Aridos |
Spikes | Ground | — | — | 20 | Damages each time the trainer changes pokémon. Flying pokémon are immune to this attack. | Level | Pineco Forretress |
Triple Kick | Fighting | 90% | 10 | 10 | Attacks 3 times in a row. The damage increases by the factor of 10 each time. The damage returns to normal, if this attack misses. | Level | Hitmontop |
Vital Throw | Fighting | 100% | 70 | 10 | Like Focus Energy, but it will give your pokémon a 100% chance of hitting the enemy. | Level | Machop Machoke Machamp |
NOTE The changes are listed as ITALICS.
Move | Type | Description | Learn |
Amnesia | Psychic | Greatly increases your Special Defense. | Level |
Aurora Beam | Ice | Damages and may lower the enemy's attack. Does not freeze | Level |
Bind | Normal | Damages for 2-5 turns. Enemy can't escape this attack. | Level |
Bite | Dark | Damages and may flinch (50% chance). | Level |
Clamp | Water | Damages for 2-5 turns. Enemy can't escape this attack. | Level |
Comet Punch | Normal | Damages for 2-5 turns. | Level |
Conversion | Normal | Randomly changes it's type to one of your own moves. | Level |
Dig | Ground | Goes underground the first turn, and attacks the second turn. Allows you to escape from caves and dungeons outside of battle | TM28 |
Disable | Normal | Disables the last move that was used by the enemy. | Level |
Fire Spin | Fire | damages for 2-5 turns. Enemy can't escape this attack. | Level |
Lovely Kiss | Normal | Put's the enemy to sleep. | Level |
Psychic | Psychic | Damages and may lower the enemy's special defense. | Level |
Roar | Normal | Outside of Battle Ends battles with wild pokémon. During Battle Randomly changes the opponent's pokémon with another. | TM05 |
Sand-Attack | Ground | Lowers the enemy's accuracy (temporary effects). | Level |
Scratch | Normal | Damages. Now has 35 PP. | Level |
Whirlwind | Normal | Outside of Battle Ends battles with wild pokémon. During Battle Randomly changes the opponet's pokémon with another. | Level |