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The Moves
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This is a list of all the moves in Gold and Silver. There are 3 separate lists:
  1. All the new moves that any pokémon can learn.
  2. Moves that only certain pokémon can learn
  3. Moves that have been changed from Red, Blue, and Yellow.

AncientpowerRock100%605Damages and may raise all stats of you pokémon by 1 (temporary effect)Level
AttractNormal100%15IF the enemy is of the opposite sex, enemy may not attack. (50% chance)TM45
Back StabNormal75%8010Has a good chance of a critical hitLevel
Baton PassNormal40Switches your pokémon, but all the stat bonuses (i.e. agility would affect the swapped pokemon with the boosted speed).Level
CharmNormal100%20Greatly lowers the enemy's attack. (temporary effect)Level
Cross ChopFighting80%1005Good chance of a critical hitLevel
CrunchDark100%8015Has a 20% chance of lowering your enemy's special defense. (temporary effect)Level
Curse???10IF used by a Ghost type:Cuts it's HP in half and deals the damage for every turn.
If used by any other type:Your pokémon lowers it's speed and increases it's attack.
Destiny BondGhost5If your pokémon uses this move and it faints, the enemy faints as well. (cheater....)Level
DetectFighting5Blocks the enemy's attack. The chances of success lowers if it is used too many times.TM43
DragonbreathDragon100%6020Damages and paralyze opponent (30% chance).TM24
DynamicpunchFighting50%1005Deals damage and confuses the enemy. (temporary effect)TM01
EncoreNormal100%5Makes the enemy repeat the last move for 2-6 turnsLevel
EndureNormal10Your pokémon's HP can't be cut below 1 when it is used on your turn. The chances of success decrease it you use it too much.TM20
Faint AttackDark6020Like Swift, it always hits but more powerfulLevel
False SwipeNormal100%4040Deals the damage but it the enemy will always have at least 1 HP left no matter what.Level
FlailNormal100%15The lower your HP is the more damage you do.Level
Flame WheelFire100%6025Damages and may burn the enemy (10% chance). Un-freezes your pokémon and the enemy's pokémon.Level
FrustrationNormal100%20The damage increases the more your Pokémon dislikes you.TM21
Fury CutterBug95%1020Damage doubles each time you use it. Your damage returns back to normal if you miss.TM49
Giga DrainGrass100%605Your pokémon recovers HP equal to half the damage dealt in the last turn.TM19
Heal BellNormal5Eliminates all effects on all friendly Pokémon.Level
Hidden PowerNormal100%15The attack is random. It depends on your pokémon's type.TM10
Icy WindIce95%5515Damages and lowers the enemy's speed.TM16
Iron TailSteel75%10015Damages and may lower the enemy's defense.TM23
Lock-OnNormal100%5Like Focus Enrgy, but better. It gives you a 100% chance of hitting the enemy.Level
MagnitudeGround100%30Random damage of 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, or 150.Level
Mean LookNormal100%5Prevents running away of the wild pokémon. Prevention lasts only if the pokémon stays in battle.Level
Mind ReaderNormal100%40Allows your pokémon to attack enemies that have become hard to damage (i.e. a Scyther who has used Double Team to increase it's evade). Also allows Normal and Fighting moves to damage Ghost types.Level
Mirror CoatPsychic100%20Like Bide, only except it damages when you get hit by special attacks. (i.e. Psychic)Level
MoonlightNormal5Restores a random amount of HP. Depends on the time of the night.Level
Morning SunNormal5Restores a random amount of HP. Depends on the time of the day.Level
Mud-SlapGround100%2010Like Sand Attack, but it damages. (temporary effect)TM31
NightmareGhost100%15Works on sleeping pokémon. Cuts 1/4 HP each turn.TM50
OutrageDragon100%9015Damages for 2-3 turns then your pokémon get's confused.Level
Perish SongNormal5Faints both pokémon in 3 turns. It is canceled it any of the pokémon are switched.Level
ProtectNormal10The enemy's attack does 0 damage. The chances of success are decreased when used too much.TM17
Psych UpNormal10Copies all the temporal stat changes from the enemy. (i.e. A Scyther who has maxed out on using Double Team)TM09
PersuitDark100%4020Doubles the damage to the enemy if he tries to switch during this attack.Level
Rain DanceWater5Temporarily increases the damage of water attacks for 5 turns.TM18
Rapid SpinNormal100%2040Damages and stops multi-round attacks (i.e. Wrap, Fire Spin, Leech Seed, etc.)Level
ReturnNormal100%20Damage increases the more the enemy is attracted to your pokémon.TM27
ReversalFighting100%15The lower the HP the more damage is done.Level
Rock SmashFighting100%2015Damages and may lower the ememy's defense.TM08
RolloutRock90%3020Attacks 1-5 turns doubling in damage each turn. Damage is returned to normal if it misses. This attack continues even if your opponent switches pokémon.TM04
SafeguardNormal25Protects against status changing attacks. The protection is lost when you are hit with a stat-changing move.Level
SandstormRock10Both pokémon take damage except Rock, Ground, and Steel type pokémon.TM37
Scary FaceNormal90%10Greatly lowers the enmey's speed (temporary effect).Level
Shadow BallDark100%8015Deals damage and may greatly lower the enemy's special defese. (20% chance).TM30
Sleep TalkNormal100%10Attacks when your pokémon is asleep. Randomly attacks the enemy with one of it's own attacks.TM35
SnoreNormal100%4015Attacks when your pokémon is asleep. Damages and the enemy may flich (30% chance).TM13
SpiteGhost100%10Lowers the PP by 2-5 of the last move that the enemy used.Level
Steel WingSteel90%7025Damages and may raise your defense. (temporary effect)TM47
Sunny DayGrass5Increases the damage of grass moves for 5 turns. Solar Beam doesn't need charging and Synthesis effectiveness is boosted.TM11
SwaggerNormal90%15Confuses the enemy, but greatly lowers your attack.TM34
Sweet KissNormal75%10Confuses the enemy (75% chance).Level
Sweet ScentNormal100%20Lowers the chance of the enemy to evade your attack. Also increases the chance of running into wild pokémon outside of battle.TM12
SynthesisGrass5Restores a random HP. Depends on the time of day.Level
ThiefDark100%4010Steal items carried by wild Pokémon. Damages if it doesn't have an item.TM46
TwisterDragon100%4020Damages and may scare the enemy. (20% chance)Level
WhirlpoolWater70%1515Damages 2-5 turns. Enemy cannot escape using Rapid Spin.HM06
Zap CannonElectric50%1005Damages and paralyzes the enemy. (50% accuracy)TM07

AeroblastFlying95%1005Damages and has a chance of a critical hit.LevelLugia
Beat UpDark100%1010Attacks the amount of how many pokémon are carrying. Pokémon that have a stat change (i.e. sleep) do not count toward the number that you have.LevelSneasel
Belly DrumNormal10Boosts your attack to maximum, but cuts your HP in half.LevelSnorlax
Bone RushGround80%2510Attacks 2-5 times.LevelCubone
Conversion2Normal100%30Switches your type that is most resistant of the enemy's attacks.LevelPorygon
Cotton SporeGrass85%40Greatly lowers the enemy's speedLevelMareep
ExtremespeedNormal100%805Attacks first. If your pokémon and the enemy use this move at the same time, the faster one goes first.LevelArcanine
Future SightPsychic90%8015The enemy's attack will be delayed and will happen 2 turns later. (90% chance)LevelKadabra
Mach PunchFighting100%4030Always attacks first. If your pokémon and the enemy use this move at the same time, the faster one goes first.LevelHitmonchan
Metal ClawSteel95%5035Damages and may increase your attack (10 chance of sucess & temporary effects).LevelScizor
Milk DrinkNormal10Restores 1/2 of your HP or give 1/5 total HP to one other pokémon.LevelMiltank
OctazookaWater85%6510Damages and may lower the enemy's accuracy (10% chance of sucess & temporary effects).LevelRemoraid
Pain SplitNormal100%20Your pokémon and your opponent's pokémon raise or lower their HP to match the value of half the total difference between each pokémon.LevelMisdreavus
PresentNormal90%15Random effect. Either it does 40, 80, or 120 damage OR it heals the enemy 80 HP.LevelDelibird
Sacred FireFire95%1005Damages and has a 50% chance of burning the enemy.LevelHo-oh
SketchNormal1Copies the enemy's last attack PERMINANTLY. It replaces Sketch with the new move.LevelSmeargle
SparkElectric100%6520Damages and may paralyze the enemy.LevelChinchou
Spider WebBug100%10Outside of battle Prevents wild pokémon from running away.
During battle Prevents the trainer from swiching pokémon.
SpikesGround20Damages each time the trainer changes pokémon. Flying pokémon are immune to this attack.LevelPineco
Triple KickFighting90%1010Attacks 3 times in a row. The damage increases by the factor of 10 each time. The damage returns to normal, if this attack misses.LevelHitmontop
Vital ThrowFighting100%7010Like Focus Energy, but it will give your pokémon a 100% chance of hitting the enemy.LevelMachop

NOTE The changes are listed as ITALICS.
AmnesiaPsychicGreatly increases your Special Defense.Level
Aurora BeamIceDamages and may lower the enemy's attack. Does not freezeLevel
BindNormalDamages for 2-5 turns. Enemy can't escape this attack.Level
BiteDarkDamages and may flinch (50% chance).Level
ClampWaterDamages for 2-5 turns. Enemy can't escape this attack.Level
Comet PunchNormalDamages for 2-5 turns.Level
ConversionNormalRandomly changes it's type to one of your own moves.Level
DigGroundGoes underground the first turn, and attacks the second turn. Allows you to escape from caves and dungeons outside of battleTM28
DisableNormalDisables the last move that was used by the enemy.Level
Fire SpinFiredamages for 2-5 turns. Enemy can't escape this attack.Level
Lovely KissNormalPut's the enemy to sleep.Level
PsychicPsychicDamages and may lower the enemy's special defense.Level
RoarNormalOutside of Battle Ends battles with wild pokémon.
During Battle Randomly changes the opponent's pokémon with another.
Sand-AttackGroundLowers the enemy's accuracy (temporary effects).Level
ScratchNormalDamages. Now has 35 PP.Level
WhirlwindNormalOutside of Battle Ends battles with wild pokémon.
During Battle Randomly changes the opponet's pokémon with another.