Member Name | Member Class |
Zapdos | Grand Master |
Alakazam | Grand Master |
Electabuzz | Grand Master |
Scyther | Grand Master |
Nidoking | Master |
Mewtwo | Master |
Bulbasaur | Master |
deamoned | Master |
PTM Ash | Trainer |
White_Tigeress | Trainer |
Member Name | Member Class |
Guagsire9000 | Trainer |
Tiger Shark | Master |
Hitmonlee | Trainer |
Quagsire | Master |
Teddiursa | Trainer |
The Neo-Pokémasters have had this league ever since this site was created. It was designed to be a place where trainers can finally be known through battling. Most of the other trainers that tried to get into the league were cheaters. We don't accept cheaters into this league. The cost to join this league is completly free. There are no hidden costs, we will never give junk e-mail, or use your e-mail address to send you stuff. If you wish to join, just simply click on the "Join for FREE" link.
There are currently 15 members within the league. |
Articles from the Grand Masters |
Battling Tips: Edition 1 written by Grand Master Zapdos |
Pokemon TCG: Deckbuilding Strategies written by Grand Master Scyther |
Pokemon TCG: A Look at Psychic Pokemon written by Grand Master Scyther |