Pokemon TCG Pages |
Ruby & Sapphire Pages |
Gold & Silver Pages |
Most if not all of the Items found the game |
All the new moves, changes, etc. |
A more complete TM & HM List |
Latest News |
07-04-2006: Posted by Grand Master Scyther Happy Fourth of Jult trainers! As I think I mentioned earlier, I've been hard at work with my CCG Database, and I have a demo ready. However, this is something you might want to consider before using it. There is a .dll file that must be registered with the server, and two .dll files (including the one you must register) to put in the system32 folder on your PC. Before using this program, PLEASE read the README file on how to setup the program. As stated in the README, there is nothing wrong with my program, as I've tested it on two computers and it works fine on both. Anything that happens to your computer as a result of using this program IS NOT MY FAULT. I put that in caps to put emphasis on it. This is only a demo, so it's only the Base Set, but I'll add more sets and improve the program as time passes. Click here to download the .zip file for the program. Enjoy, and until next time, keep training! |
06-08-2006: Posted by Grand Master Scyther I know it's been a long time since updates, but my life's been pretty hectic lately, a lot of that with work and student loans, you do the math. Anywho, for the past couple months though I've been working on another project, which is seeing some light of day. My Pokemon CCG program is being fully resurrected, but with a few changes. The biggest change is that it'll be in database format as opposed to text format for the data being entered. This will allow me to make several tables, so my goal is a table for each CCG (Pokemon, Magic, Yu-gi-oh, etc.). However, since this is a Pokemon site, I'll be making it so the Pokemon portion is a standalone program with just those cards, and will try to update it when new sets come out. As of now I'm entering the Base Set into the database, and my goal is to have Base through Fossil by the time mid-July comes around. If that happens, I'll have a workable demo up for download. That's about it for now, so until next time, keep training! |
11-17-2005: Posted by Grand Master Scyther Yeah, I'm still alive and kicking, and I know it's been over a year since the last update. Don't fret though, I'm making a few updates as we speak...er...type...uh...never mind. I recently purchased some cards from the new Delta Species expansion of the TCG, so I'll be posting an article soon about that. As for my articles on various types, that may also pick back up soon depending on how much time I have with work picking up. I'll try to make more updates and keep projects going, but bear with me through the next couple of months. Until next time, keep training. |
09-10-2004: Posted by Grand Master Scyther As you can see no one's really done much here, but I plan to change that. Since I plan on moving out soon all of my TCG binders are in boxes right now, so it'll be awhile before I get more articles out. In the meantime, the new TCG expansion EX: FireRed and LeafGreen brings back some of your favorite Kanto Pokemon, like Bulbasaur and Charizard, and gives them a small makeover. Also, the new GBA games have arrived. I'll soon look into checking to see if the stats of the Pokemon in FR/LG match those from Pokemon GS to see if seperate Pokedex entries need to be filed. Eventually my TCG program will take flight again once I find complete card lists, including moves and other such info. Until next time, keep training. |
03-24-2004: Posted by Grand Master Scyther Once again, sorry for the lack of updates. It seems that work is taking its toll on both me and Zapdos as of late, and I'm WAY behind on my articles, so expect some more in the near future. I know that Zapdos is planning some changes around the site, and I've added two new polls to the page at the bottom. For those of you who have already played Pokemon Colosseum, I'm sure most Pokemon fans will agree with me that Nintendo did an excellent job with Story mode. Today I snagged my first Shadow Pokemon (Makuhita), and hopfully the rest of the game is as good as the first hour or so. Enjoy, and until next time, keep training. |
01-24-2004: Posted by Grand Master Scyther Sorry it's been a long time since an update, but as of late I've been transferring from one job to another, so now most of my evenings will be free to write articles. This Monday evening I'll be finishing my articles on different TCG types with Steel-type Pokemon, and then will continue work on my TCG progrma when I'm not busy with another project I'm about to start. Until then, keep training. |
09-16-2003: Posted by Grand Master Scyther Well, since it's been awhile, I think I need to explain a few things. First, I should soon have another TCG article up, this one focusing on Grass Type Pokemon. Second, I'm working with Zapdos on developing programs to help me revamp the GS pages, so hopefully that'll take flight soon. My TCG program I started awhile back may not be done for awhile, but will procede to work on it when I can. Any suggestions for it or anything TCG related, email me at Scyther879@yahoo.com. |
06-03-2003: Posted by Grand Master Scyther Good news. Last night I wrote up another article about the Pokemon TCG. It will be the first of several articles I am working on that will detail each type of Pokemon, from the Pokemon of old (Premiere Expansion, Jungle, Fossil, etc.) to the newbies (Aquapolis, Skyridge, etc.). For my first article, I chose my favorite type of Pokemon: Psychic. The article will be up soon, so if you're into Psychic Pokemon, check it out. |
03-31-2003: Posted by Grand Master Zapdos So far, I am working on making the moves list for Ruby and Sapphire. I am around maybe 15% done with the list, as it is quite hard entering all the information. Also, a minor revamp of the site will be up sometime here in the next 2 weeks. With the revamp going on, I have decided to close down the option to join out site, as we will develop a new method of getting only the best trainers into our group. The first major class of trainers will be the Elite trainers, who beat the game without using legendary pokémon. Not many will be in this category from the older versions, but everyone should try to become an Elite. That's all for now. |
03-13-2003: Posted by Grand Master Zapdos Well the votes are in, we are here to stay! GM Scyther and I will be working on the page to keep up with the changes with the new Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. Scyther also pointed out there was an error on the battle chart. That has been fixed, and the chart now serves all versions of the game. |
03-13-2003: Posted by Grand Master Scyther (Echoing) "Hello? Is anybody there? N-Now batting, Mike Piazza!". Okay, I know that was a line taken from Kung-Pow: Enter the Fist, but that is what this site is like anymore. I know I mentioned that I was working on my Pokemon TCG cardlist program, but it hit a minor snag: Devry. Being a senior, I get to work extra hard to bring my GPA back up (I did make Dean's List this past term with a whopping 3.68 GPA, making my total a 2.96). However, all is not lost. At this moment, I have Pokemon Sapphire on reserve at my local GameStop. Once I pick it up next week, I will begin to write up Pokedex information concerning the new Pokemon (I'm looking forward to Kecleon for some reason), new HMs, new moves, and more. Stay tuned. |
11-25-2002: Posted by Grand Master Scyther Hey everybody. I finally got an article posted on the NeoLeague page. It's for anyone who plays the Pokemon Trading Card Game and is looking to build a basic deck. Possibly in the future I'll post some of my decks that I made. Also, if you have a deck you want me to look at, send it to Scyther879@yahoo.com, but if you do, please make the subject Pokemon TCG as it'll help me sort out the emails easier. Also send me an email if you have any other questions about the game, form deckbuilding to rules. Until next time, cya. |