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     Your private information will not be released to anyone nor will it be used for any other purpose. I and no other member will never send you messages ever (i.e. unless it is necessary or urgent). Your privacy is valued by myself and the members of this site.

     If you want to join, please read the following text in the area you wish to join and that you also read our short and sweet policies. All e-mails regarding the NeoLeague, should be addressed to Zapdos.

Note: For some odd reason, most users will receive an error when trying to submit the sign-up form. I cannot get rid of this error yet, but I believe that it is a default set by the browser. It will still work, but if you prefer to use e-mail then please feel free.

ATTENTION: If you have a 640x480 screen resolution, click here for the form.
I want to be a Neo-Pokémaster
     Required: Any gameboy version of Pokémon and a well developed team You can either click here to use the online entery form or you can e-mail me with the following information:
  1. You first and last name
  2. Your e-mail address (if avaliable)
  3. Your game version (Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver)
  4. Your team that you use in head to head fights
  5. And your option of what pokémon or nickname.
I want to be a Neo-Pokémon Trainer
     Required: Any gameboy version of Pokémon You can either click here to use the online entery form or you can e-mail me with the following information:
  1. You first and last name
  2. Your e-mail address (if avaliable)
  3. Your game version (Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver)
  4. And your option of what pokémon or nickname.
I want to be a part of the NeoLeague
     Required: Any gameboy version of Pokémon You can either click here to use the online entery form or you can e-mail me with the following information:
Anyone who signs up as a Trainer or Master, is a automactic member of the NeoLeague
  1. You first and last name
  2. Your e-mail address (if avaliable)
  3. Your game version (Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver)
  4. And your option of what pokémon or nickname.
Note: Just so you know Grand Masters and NeoPokémasters are automatically in the NeoLeague if accepted.
I want to be a part of the NeoPokémasters Staff
     Required: Know HTML, Javascript, or something that we specify. You can e-mail Zapdos your specifics.