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Welcome to the cheat page. We currently have some cheat but it doesn't require a cheating device e.g. Gameshark. These codes were updated on 01-03-2000. Enough said, here they are:

List of Cheats

Increase your stats by 1

Code Submitted by: Ex-NeoPokémaster Dugtrio
This cheat will raise the stats of two pokemon on your team.
  First beat the Elite Four,do not turn your game off, go through the crdits when you get done with the credits continue your game. When you are in front of your house, either fly to a city with a Pokemon Center or walk to Viridian city. Once to a Pokemon Center heal your Pokemon then deposit 2 pokemon on your team only 2 in Bill's PC. Then withdraw them and your pokemon stats should be 1 point higher.
Tested: by Zapdos. FAILED! I cannot get it to work. Don't bother to use this.

No name for this cheat

Code Submitted by: Neo-Pokémaster Nidoking
This cheat requires that you have the Memory Card for Gameboy.
This cheat will allow you to play your Yellow game in the Red and Blue.

  1. Put Pikachu into the box and save your game in a Pokémon Center right near the door.
  2. Backup your saved game to the Memory Card.
  3. Swap the cartrages between Yellow and Red/Blue.
  4. Backup your Red/Blue saved game on the Memory Card.
  5. Restore the Yellow game on to the Red/Blue.
  6. Play the game. It will look screwed up, but make sure that you can leave the Pokémon Center. When you leave, you can play it as normal except that you must not goto Pallet or defeat the Elite Four, resulting the game to crash.
  7. Do this procedure again, in exact order, to move your game back to the Yellow version.

Tested: By Nidoking. Code approved.


Gameshark Codes for Pokémon Yellow

Code Submitted by: Ex-NeoPokémaster Golem

Infinite HP (In Battle)01FF15D0
Infinite PP (1st Position)01282CD0
Infinite PP (2nd Position)01282DD0
Infinite PP (3rd Position)01282ED0
Infinite PP (4th Position)01282FD0
Enemy LV Modifier01??21D0
Change Monster Pic01??D8CF
LV Modifier Of Creatures Before You Battle01??26D1
Capture Pokčmon Modifier01??D7CF
Freezer Burn*0170E8CF

* The code that was originally 'Enemy can't attack & burned at beginning of battle' causes it to be frozen solid AND burned. In a sense, the enemy has 'freezer burn'.
Tested: By Zapdos. Codes approved


Defeat Lance of the Elite Four Easier

Code Submitted by: Neo-Pokémaster Nidoking
When you are fighing Lance and he sends out his Dragonair or Dragonite, send out a POISON type pokémon and Dragonair will just use Agility and Dragonite will use Agility and Barrier. They will never attack your poison type pokémon. Be warned, don't use Beedrill or any bug pokémon or they'll use Hyper Beam against you.

Tested: By Zapdos. Code approved.
Hey thanks alot Nidoking! That code is so great, here is a suggestion, take a level 2 Nidoran and teach it TOXIC. When it is poisoned, it will eventually die, and by the time you get out of the battle your Nidoran will be at least level 20 and it will evolve! Stock up on PP UP's if you want a TACKLE and SCRATCH war (it's funny!).


Run into the pokémon west of Pallet

Either fly to Pallet or beat the game it doesn't matter. When you do head south and goto the left around that barrier that is in your way. Surf down the left side of the coast down near the edge where it goes left just a bit. Surf up and down and you will run into cheap pokémon that make excellent target practice.
If you go to the right you screw it up and you have to try again.


Run into wild trainers

New Update   I have found out that it is possible to run into wild trainers using the same process of getting Level 100+ pokémon. However, it is very rare.
To do this without erasing your game get a Gameshark version 2.1 and a old Gameboy. Put in the code 01xyD8CF, where X is D to F and Y is 0 to 9 and A to F. Entering this code will result you to run into different trainers instead of pokémon. The pokémon will all be at level 32 and will not be known by a name or a graphic. Some of the trainers will lockup the game and you have to turn it off. Doing this on a Gameboy Pocket will ERASE your game. Some trainers are Juggler, Biker, Hiker, and Professor Oak. The only bad thing is, you can't fight Professor Oak because it locks up the game. However it would look cool to run into these trainers. If you defeat the trainer, you get MONEY! Plus the trainers have nothing to say, so it cuts to the chase. On the average you should get more than 800 pokéyen.
Here are some wild trainers that I ran into:

  • Swimmer
  • Giovanni
  • Yourself, except the picture is of the rival.
  • Engineer
  • Your Rival
  • Tamer
  • Cooltrainer (M)


How to get level 100+ pokémon

NOTE: This trick will not work with the Yellow Version of Pokémon

First FLY to VERIDIAN go north just a bit and talk to the old man. He will ask you are you in a hurry and say NO.
After he shows you how to capture a WEEDLE, FLY to CINNIBAR ISLAND.
Once there head to the eastern coast and begin to SURF. It is the side of the Gym. Surf up and down the coast until you run a pokémon. Here is thing, you will run into the pokémon in the last grassy area e.g. Route 24 or SAFARI ZONE. You will run into them along with these depending on your version of the game and how many badges you have.

The pokémon that you will run into depends on your current stats. Zapdos runs into a level 141 Starmie, Charizard ran into a level 255 Cloyster and Snorlax, and Mewtwo ran into Nidorino Level 178. It really matters, but if you have beaten the game then you will run into 2 different kinds or pokémon. Keep a lookout and tell E-Mail Zapdos what you run into. Here is a list of all the cracked pokémon that was ran into by us:

  • L132 Alakazam and L136 Electrode by Zapdos
  • L140 Starmie by Zapdos
  • L173 Nidorino by Mewtwo

If you have a level 100+ pokémon and attempt to fight a wild pokémon, it will be returned to level 100. However if you use Rare Candy, you can get it to a maximum level of 255. Over that it will be reduced to level 0 (zero). All the stats on 0 (zero) are 5 e.g. Special Attack. Once at level 0 (zero) it can't be back at the level that is was originally.


Infinite Items and more...

NOTE: This trick will not work with the Yellow Version of Pokémon

There is one certain pokémon that has an interesing effect to your items. The pokémon will look like a bunch of messed up pixels. There are two types level 0 or level 80. If you run into it and kill it or run away from it, the SIXTH item in your list that has a amount, will jump beyond 99. In fact, if you have 1 Master Ball it is 199 Master Balls! Talk about no resistance! But, it only works if you didn't use that item e.g. Ultra Ball. This pokémon also has a unique ability if you can catch it. The first time you catch it it will be the messed up level 0 MISSINGNO. Here is someting unusuall, even though you captured it, it will still be there and when you catch it again, it will be a DITTO. If you got the guts, these are the conditions are to be used.

  • It has to be LEVEL 0 (zero).
  • You caught it.
  • You have 2 Rare Candies.
  • You MUST have read the the statement below.

WARNING: This cheat has a great chance of erasing your game. This also causes damage to the Pokémon Leauge site even IF you didn't beat the game.
What you should do after you got it, is to use the Rare Candy twice. On the first time it will evolve into a KANGASKAHN, an instant giveaway. Make sure that it is at level 2. If you don't then all the pixles of your pokémon are screwed up and there is no way to undo the damage. Also if you have beat the game, every time you encounter this pokémon, one or all of the data in the Pokémon Leauge site is destroyed by putting pokémon that you don't have and having messed up levels, names, and battle cries. Zapdos has a picture of RATATTA that does a RHYDON cry. Along with it, if you have the Pokémon League site destroyed, it will be completely reorganized every time you save your progress. Zapdos highly suggests that you don't do the cheat when you have NOT beaten the game. It is better and you won't have the game erased. Remember, WE ARE NOT HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGED CAUSED TO YOUR GAME.


Get a Kangaskhan that can FLY

NOTE: This trick will not work with the Yellow Version of Pokémon

The first thing you have to do is to do the first three steps to get the 100+ pokémon code, All you have to do is capture MISSINGNO and teach it HM02 (FLY). After you teach it fly, put it into battle or use RARE CANDY. Once it evolves, you now have a Kangaskhan that knows, the following moves:

  • Water Gun
  • Water Gun
  • Sky Attack
  • Fly

Test results end up to be that MISSINGNO can learn CUT and FLY. However, it can learn Teleport and Psychic as well. Zapdos is now moving on to seeing if it can learn all the other 48 TM's. Rumor has it that if you catch it at Level 80, you can teach it SURF. Zapdos doesn't belive that, but you can try it for yourself.


Master Repel...Well sort of

NOTE: This trick will not work with the Yellow Version of Pokémon

You can do this cheat but it takes along time just to get where you are planning to goto. All you have to do is to Cut down the tall grass! This cheat will only work in the world map and not in other places e.g. Safari Zone. This cost nothing at all and it requires any pokémon that can Cut.


Capture Safari Zone pokémon in the wild

NOTE: This trick will not work with the Yellow Version of Pokémon

This is easy. All you have to do is goto the Safari Zone and Run out of time in the area where the pokémon can be found. Fly to Cinnibar Island or Surf to the eastern side of Seafoam Islands. At Cinnibar Island, surf up and down the eastern side of the island. It is the side where the Gym is. Just surf up and down the coastline (half land and half water) you will run into the common pokémon but, some will be NOT avaliable. The only pokémon will not be found by the cheat at all is pokémon that you need to fish for.


Defeat Gym Leaders Easier

NOTE: This trick requires a Gameshark

     Enter a GameShark cheat to run into a wild Pokemon. Next, go to the nearest gym leader that you haven't beaten. When you try to fight the gym leader he/she will be a Pokemon!

Tested: by Electabuzz. Code Approved.

Do you have a cheat that doesn't requre a cheating device? If so, E-Mail Zapdos. Also if you have a cheat that needs a cheating device, we will take that too.