Item | Desciption | Location | Price |
ANTIDOTE | Cures Poison | Pokémart | 100 |
AWAKENING | Wakes up all sleeping pokémon in battle | Pokémart | 250 |
BICYCLE | Allows faster movement | Cerulean Bike Shop | 1,000,000 |
BIKE VOUCHER | Allows you go get a BICYCLE | Vermillion City- Pokémon Fan Club | N/A |
BURN HEAL | Cures Burns | Pokémart | 250 |
CALCIUM | Increases Special rating | Celadon Dpt. Store- Floor 5 | 9,800 |
CARBOS | Increases Speed rating | Celadon Dpt. Store- Floor 5 | 9,800 |
CARD KEY | Opens locked doors at Silph Co. | Saffron City- Silph Co. | N/A |
COIN | Cash used at Rocket Game Corner | Cerulean City- Rocket Game Corner | N/A |
COIN CASE | Holds COINS | Celadon Dpt. Store- Restauran | N/A |
DIRE HIT | Increases Attack effectiveness | Celadon Dpt. Store- Floor 5 | 650 |
DOME FOSSIL | Ressurects Kabuto | Mt. Moon | N/A |
ELIXER | Gives 10 PP to all moves | Random Areas | N/A |
ESCAPE ROPE | Exits to enterance on the world map | Pokémart & Random Areas | 550 |
ETHER | Gives 10 PP to one move | Random Areas | N/A |
EXP. ALL | Shares EXP to all pokémon | Route 15- East of Sarrfon City | 9,800 |
FIRE STONE | Evolves Fire pokémon | Celadon Dpt. Store- Floor 4 | 2,100 |
FRESH WATER | Cures thirst, Restores 50 HP | Celadon Dpt. Store- Top Floor | 200 |
FULL HEAL | Cures any STATUS changes | Pokémart | 600 |
FULL RESTORE | Cures any STATUS changes and all HP | Pokémart | 3,000 |
GOLD TEETH | Makes the Warden talk better | Safari Zone | N/A |
GOOD ROD | Fish for better pokémon besides Magikarp | Fushia City- Fishing Guru | N/A |
GREAT BALL | Captures pokémon at a rate of 50% | Pokémart | 600 |
GAURD SPEC. | Protects against Special Attacks | Celadon Dpt. Store- Floor 4 | 700 |
HELIX FOSSIL | Ressurects Omanyte | Mt. Moon | N/A |
HP UP | Increases maximum HP a bit | Celadon Dpt. Store- Floor 5, Various Areas | 9,800 |
HYPER POTION | Restores 200 HP | Pokémart | 1,500 |
ICE HEAL | Thaws a Frozen pokémon | Pokémart | 250 |
IRON | Increases Defense rating | Celadon Dpt Store- Floor 4 | 9,800 |
ITEM FINDER | Detects hidden items within your area | Route 11 Lookout tower- Prof. Oak's Assistant | N/A |
LEAF STONE | Evloves Grass pokémon | Celadon Dpt. Store- Floor 4 | 2,100 |
LEMONADE | Cures thirst, Restores 80 HP, trade for TM48 | Celadon Dpt. Store- Top Floor | 350 |
LIFT KEY | Operates the elevator at Rocket Game Corner basement | Rocket Game Corner basement- Team Rocker Member | N/A |
MASTER BALL | Captures pokémon at a 100% capture rate | President of Silph Co. | N/A |
MAX ELIXER | Restores all PP for all moves | Various areas | N/A |
MAX ETHER | Restores all PP for one move | Various areas | N/A |
MAX POTION | Restores all HP | Indigo Plateau Pokémart | 2,500 |
MAX REPEL | Prevents random battles | Pokémart | 700 |
MAX REVIVE | Revives a fainted pokémon to full health | Various Areas | N/A |
MOON STONE | Evolves Jigglypuff, Nidorino, Nidorina, and Clefary | Mt. Moon, Cinnabar Island, Route 2, Rock Tunnel | N/A |
NUGGET | Sell it for 5,000 | Nugget Bridge, Safari Zone, and various areas | N/A |
OAK'S PARCEL | Prof. Oak's Custom Master Ball from Silph Co. | Veridian City Pokémart | N/A |
OLD AMBER | Ressurects Aerodactyl | Pewter City- Science Museum | N/A |
OLD ROD | Used to fish for Magikarp | Vermilion City- Fishing Guru | N/A |
PARALYZE HEAL | Cures Paralysis | Pokémarts | 200 |
POKÉ BALL | Captures pokémon at a 25% capture rate | Pokémarts | 200 |
POKÉ DOLL | If successful, distrcts pokémon and ends battle | Celadon Dpt Store- Floor 4 | 1,000 |
POKÉ FLUTE | Wakes up sleeping pokémon | Pokémon Tower | N/A |
POKÉDEX | Used to record data on pokémon | Prof. Oak | N/A |
POTION | Heals 20 HP | Pokémarts | 300 |
PP UP | Increases a moves PP | Celadon City, and other various areas | N/A |
PROTIEN | Increases Attack rating | Celadon Dpt. Store- Floor 5 | 9,800 |
RARE CANDY | Increases a pokémon's level by 1 | Various areas | N/A |
REPEL | Prevents random battles for a short while | Pokémarts | 350 |
REVIVE | Heals a fainted pokémon to half of it's HP | Pokémarts | 1,500 |
S.S TICKET | Allows you to board the S.S. Anne | Sea Cottage- Bills House | N/A |
SAFARI BALL | Used to capture pokémon at Safari Zone | Fushia City- Safari Zone | N/A |
SECRET KEY | Used to gain access to the Cinnibar Island Gym | Pokémon Mansion | N/A |
SILPH SCOPE | Used to see ghosts at Pokémon Tower | Celadon City- Rocket Game Corner basement | N/A |
SODA POP | Cures thirst, heals 60 HP, trade for TM49 | Celadon Dpt. Store- Top Floor | 300 |
SUPER POTION | Heals 50 HP | Pokémarts | 700 |
SUPER REPEL | Prevents random battles longer than REPEL | Pokémarts | 500 |
SUPER ROD | Used to fish for the best water pokémon | Route 12- Fishing Guru | N/A |
THUNDER STONE | Used to evolve Pikachu and Eevee | Celadon Dpt. Store- Floor 4 | 2,100 |
TOWN MAP | Shows the world map | Pallet Town- Rival's sister | N/A |
ULTRA BALL | Captures pokémon at a 75% capture rate | Pokémarts | 1,200 |
WATER STONE | Used to evolve special Water pokémon | Celadon Dpt. Store- Floor 4 | 2,100 |
X ACCURACY | Used in battle to boost your pokémon's Accuracy temporarily | Celadon Dpt. Store- Floor 5 | 950 |
X ATTACK | Used in battle to boost your pokémon's Attack temporarily | Celadon Dpt. Store- Floor 5 | 500 |
X DEFEND | Used in battle to boost your pokémon's Defense temporarily | Celadon Dpt. Store- Floor 5 | 550 |
X SPECIAL | Used in battle to boost your pokémon's Special temporarily | Celadon Dpt. Store- Floor 5 | 350 |
X SPEED | Used in battle to boost your pokémon's Speed temporarily | Celadon Dpt. Store- Floor 5 | 350 |