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ANTIDOTECures PoisonPokémart100
AWAKENINGWakes up all sleeping pokémon in battlePokémart250
BICYCLEAllows faster movementCerulean Bike Shop1,000,000
BIKE VOUCHERAllows you go get a BICYCLEVermillion City- Pokémon Fan ClubN/A
BURN HEALCures BurnsPokémart250
CALCIUMIncreases Special ratingCeladon Dpt. Store- Floor 59,800
CARBOSIncreases Speed ratingCeladon Dpt. Store- Floor 59,800
CARD KEYOpens locked doors at Silph Co.Saffron City- Silph Co.N/A
COINCash used at Rocket Game CornerCerulean City- Rocket Game CornerN/A
COIN CASEHolds COINSCeladon Dpt. Store- RestauranN/A
DIRE HITIncreases Attack effectivenessCeladon Dpt. Store- Floor 5650
DOME FOSSILRessurects KabutoMt. MoonN/A
ELIXERGives 10 PP to all movesRandom AreasN/A
ESCAPE ROPEExits to enterance on the world mapPokémart & Random Areas550
ETHERGives 10 PP to one moveRandom AreasN/A
EXP. ALLShares EXP to all pokémonRoute 15- East of Sarrfon City9,800
FIRE STONEEvolves Fire pokémonCeladon Dpt. Store- Floor 42,100
FRESH WATERCures thirst, Restores 50 HPCeladon Dpt. Store- Top Floor200
FULL HEALCures any STATUS changesPokémart600
FULL RESTORECures any STATUS changes and all HPPokémart3,000
GOLD TEETHMakes the Warden talk betterSafari ZoneN/A
GOOD RODFish for better pokémon besides MagikarpFushia City- Fishing GuruN/A
GREAT BALLCaptures pokémon at a rate of 50%Pokémart600
GAURD SPEC.Protects against Special AttacksCeladon Dpt. Store- Floor 4700
HELIX FOSSILRessurects OmanyteMt. MoonN/A
HP UPIncreases maximum HP a bitCeladon Dpt. Store- Floor 5, Various Areas9,800
HYPER POTIONRestores 200 HPPokémart1,500
ICE HEALThaws a Frozen pokémonPokémart250
IRONIncreases Defense ratingCeladon Dpt Store- Floor 49,800
ITEM FINDERDetects hidden items within your areaRoute 11 Lookout tower- Prof. Oak's AssistantN/A
LEAF STONEEvloves Grass pokémonCeladon Dpt. Store- Floor 42,100
LEMONADECures thirst, Restores 80 HP, trade for TM48Celadon Dpt. Store- Top Floor350
LIFT KEYOperates the elevator at Rocket Game Corner basementRocket Game Corner basement- Team Rocker MemberN/A
MASTER BALLCaptures pokémon at a 100% capture ratePresident of Silph Co.N/A
MAX ELIXERRestores all PP for all movesVarious areasN/A
MAX ETHERRestores all PP for one moveVarious areasN/A
MAX POTIONRestores all HPIndigo Plateau Pokémart2,500
MAX REPELPrevents random battlesPokémart700
MAX REVIVERevives a fainted pokémon to full healthVarious AreasN/A
MOON STONEEvolves Jigglypuff, Nidorino, Nidorina, and ClefaryMt. Moon, Cinnabar Island, Route 2, Rock TunnelN/A
NUGGETSell it for 5,000Nugget Bridge, Safari Zone, and various areasN/A
OAK'S PARCELProf. Oak's Custom Master Ball from Silph Co.Veridian City PokémartN/A
OLD AMBERRessurects AerodactylPewter City- Science MuseumN/A
OLD RODUsed to fish for MagikarpVermilion City- Fishing GuruN/A
PARALYZE HEALCures ParalysisPokémarts200
POKÉ BALLCaptures pokémon at a 25% capture ratePokémarts200
POKÉ DOLLIf successful, distrcts pokémon and ends battleCeladon Dpt Store- Floor 41,000
POKÉ FLUTEWakes up sleeping pokémonPokémon TowerN/A
POKÉDEXUsed to record data on pokémonProf. OakN/A
POTIONHeals 20 HPPokémarts300
PP UPIncreases a moves PPCeladon City, and other various areasN/A
PROTIENIncreases Attack ratingCeladon Dpt. Store- Floor 59,800
RARE CANDYIncreases a pokémon's level by 1Various areasN/A
REPELPrevents random battles for a short whilePokémarts350
REVIVEHeals a fainted pokémon to half of it's HPPokémarts1,500
S.S TICKETAllows you to board the S.S. AnneSea Cottage- Bills HouseN/A
SAFARI BALLUsed to capture pokémon at Safari ZoneFushia City- Safari ZoneN/A
SECRET KEYUsed to gain access to the Cinnibar Island GymPokémon MansionN/A
SILPH SCOPEUsed to see ghosts at Pokémon TowerCeladon City- Rocket Game Corner basementN/A
SODA POPCures thirst, heals 60 HP, trade for TM49Celadon Dpt. Store- Top Floor300
SUPER POTIONHeals 50 HPPokémarts700
SUPER REPELPrevents random battles longer than REPELPokémarts500
SUPER RODUsed to fish for the best water pokémonRoute 12- Fishing GuruN/A
THUNDER STONEUsed to evolve Pikachu and EeveeCeladon Dpt. Store- Floor 42,100
TOWN MAPShows the world mapPallet Town- Rival's sisterN/A
ULTRA BALLCaptures pokémon at a 75% capture ratePokémarts1,200
WATER STONEUsed to evolve special Water pokémonCeladon Dpt. Store- Floor 42,100
X ACCURACYUsed in battle to boost your pokémon's Accuracy temporarilyCeladon Dpt. Store- Floor 5950
X ATTACKUsed in battle to boost your pokémon's Attack temporarilyCeladon Dpt. Store- Floor 5500
X DEFENDUsed in battle to boost your pokémon's Defense temporarilyCeladon Dpt. Store- Floor 5550
X SPECIALUsed in battle to boost your pokémon's Special temporarilyCeladon Dpt. Store- Floor 5350
X SPEEDUsed in battle to boost your pokémon's Speed temporarilyCeladon Dpt. Store- Floor 5350