HM & TM List
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AbsorbGrassAbsorbs HP equal to 1/2 the attack damage Level
AcidPoisonDamges and may poison opponentLevel
Acid ArmorPoisonBoosts Defense temporarialyLevel
AgilityPsychic Doubles Speed temporarilyLevel
AmnesiaPsychic Doubles Special Attack temporarialyLevel
Aurora BeamIce Damages may Freeze opponet and/or lower Attack temporarialyLevel
BarrageNormal Attacks 2 to 5 timesLevel
BarrierPsychic Doubles Defense temporarialyLevel
BideNormal Lose 2 to 3 turns and pays back double damageTM34
BindNormal Attacks 2 to 5 timesLevel
BiteNormal Attacks and may "flinch" opponentLevel
BlizzardIce Attacks and may Freeze opponentTM14
Body SlamNormal Attacks and may Paralyze opponentTM08
Bone ClubGround Damages and may "flinch" opponentLevel
BonemerangGround Attacks twiceLevel
BubbleWater Attacks and may lower opponents SpeedLevel
Bubble BeamWater Attacks and may lower opponents SpeedTM11
ClampWater Attacks 2 to 5 timesLevel
Comet PunchNormal Attacks 2 to 5 timesLevel
Confuse RayGhost Confuses opponentLevel
ConfusionPsychic Confuses opponentLevel
ConstrictNormal Attacks and may decrease opponent's SpeedLevel
ConversionNormal Your pokémon switches to the opponent's type(s)Level
CounterFighting Hits opponent twice the damage received only from physical attacksTM18
CrabhammerWater Attacks and is a good chance of getting a critical hitLevel

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Defense Curl Normal Boosts Defense temporarialyLevel
DigGround Digs, then attacksTM28
DisableNormal Disables one of the opponents movesLevel
Dizzy PunchNormal

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Double KickFighting Attacks twiceLevel
Double TeamNormal Boosts EvadeTM32
Double-EdgeNormal Your pokémon gets hit with 1/4 of the damage to the opponentTM10
DoubleslapNormal Attacks 2 to 5 timesLevel
Dragon RageDragon Does 40 HP damageTM23
Dream EaterPsychic While enemy is Sleeping, you absorb thier HPTM42
Drill PeckFlying

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EarthquakeGround Not effective on Flying PokémonTM26
Egg BombNormal

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EmberFire Attacks and may Burn opponentLevel
ExplosionNormal You faint and may defeat enemy in 1 moveTM47
Fire BlastFire Attacks and may Burn opponentTM38
Fire PunchFire Attacks and may Burn opponentLevel
Fire SpinFire Attacks 2 to 5 timesLevel
FissureGround May defeat opponent in 1 hit. Not effective on Flying-Type Pok‚monTM27
FlamethrowerFire Attacks and may Burn opponentLevel
FlashNormal Lowers enemy's AccuracyHM05
FlyFlyingFly up in the air, then attacksHM02
Focus EnergyNormal Pump up and then attack. Good chance of a Critical HitLevel
Fury SwipesNormalAttacks 2 to 5 timesLevel
GlareNormalParalyzes opponentLevel
GrowlNormalLowers enemy's Attack power temporarilyLevel
GrowthNormalIncreases your pokémon's Attack temporarilyLevel
GuillotineNormalIf successful, it defeats opponent in one hit KOLevel

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HardenNormalIncreases your pokémon's Defense temporarilyLevel
HazeIceRemoves all status chanches e.g. sleep.Level
Head ButtNormalDeals damage and may "flinch" opponent.Level
Hi Jump KickFightingIf it misses, it does 1/8 damage to your pokémon of what it could have doneLevel
Horn AttackNormal

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Horn DrillNormalIf successful, it defeats opponent in one hit KOTM07
Hydro PumpWater

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Hyper BeamNormalFires on first turn, then recharges on the second turnTM15
Hyper FangNormalDamages and may "flinch" opponentLevel
HypnosisPsychicPuts enemy to sleepLevel
Ice BeamIceDamages and has a chance of freezing opponentTM13
Ice PunchIceDamages and has a chance of freezing opponentLevel
Jump KickFightingIf you miss you take 1/8 of damage that would have been dealtLevel
Karate ChopFightingHas a good chance of a critical hitLevel
KenisisPsychicLowers opponents accuracy. This move can only be done by Metrodome.Level
Leech LifeBugAbsorbs some of the enemy's HP and adds it to yoursLevel
Leech SeedGrassAbsorbs some of the enemy's HP and adds it to yoursLevel
LeerNormalLowers defense temporarialyLevel
LickGhostDamages and may paralyze opponentLeveL
Light ScreenPsychicLowers enemy special attacks inflicted by halfLevel
Lovely KissNormalPuts opponent to sleepLevel
Low KickFightingDamgaes and may "flinch" opponentLevel
MeditatePsychicIncreases your attack temporarialyLevel
Mega DrainGrassAbsorbs HP from enemy equal to 1/2 of yur attackTM21
Mega KickNormal

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Mega PunchNormal

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MetronomeNormalUses a random moveTM35
MimicNormalYour pokémon mimics one of your opponent's attacksTM31
MinimizeNormalIncreases your chance of evading an attackLevel
Mirror MoveFlyingYour pokémon does the last attackLevel
MistIcePrevents special attacks that lower any abilityLevel
Night ShadeGhostAtacks equal to your experience levelLevel
Pay dayNormalYou pickup extra cash at the end of the battleTM16

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Petal DanceGrassDamages but confuses your pokémonLevel
Pin MissileBugAttacks 2 to 5 times and may poison opponentLevel
Poison GasPoisonPoisons enemyLevel
Poison StingPoisonDamages and may poison enemyLevel
Poison PowderPoisonPoisons enemyLevel

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PsybeamPsychicDamages and may confuse enemyLevel
PsychicPsychicDamages and may lower opponent's Special attackTM29
PsywavePsychicDamages 1.5 times your pokémon's experience levelTM46
Quick AttackNormalYour pokémon attacks firstLevel
RageNormalYour pokémon takes damage and increases its attack powerTM20
Razor LeafGrassHas a good chance of a critical hitLevel
Razor WindFlyingCharges on first turn, then attacks on the secondTM02
RecoverNormalRestores half of your pokémon's maximum HPLevel
ReflectPsychicLowers all physical damage inflicted by halfTM33
RestPsychicIf successful, it recovers all HP, and you lose 2 turnsTM44
RoarNormalIf successful, scares wild pokémon away and ends battleLevel
Rock SlideRock

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Rock ThrowRock

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Rolling KickFightingDamages and may "flinch" opponentLevel
Sand-AttackNormalLowers opponent's accuracy temporarilyLevel

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ScreechNormalLowers opponent's defense temporarilyLevel
Seismic TossFightingDamage equal to your pokémon's experience levelTM19
Self DestructNormalDeals damage and your pokémon faintsTM36
SharpenNormalBoosts your pokémon's attack powerLevel
SingNormalPuts opponent to sleepLevel
Skull BashNormalLowers its head on the first turn, then attacks on the secondTM40
Sky AttackFlyingGlows on the first turn, then attacks on the secondTM43

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Sleep PowderGrassPuts opponent to sleepLevel
SludgePoisonDamages and may poison opponentLevel
SmogPoisonDamages and may poison opponentLevel
SmokescreenNormalLowers opponent's accuracy temprarilyLevel
SoftbioledNormalRestores 1/2 of your pokémon's maximum HPTM41
Solar BeamGrassSoaks up sunlight on the first turn, then attacks on the secondTM22
SonicboomNormalDamages 20 HPLevel
Spike CannonNormalAttacks 2 to 5 times in a rowLevel
SplashNormalWastes your time and a turn on not doing #@*& !Level
SporeGrassPuts opponent to sleepLevel
StompNormalDamages and may "flinch" opponentLevel

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String ShotBugLowers opponent's speedLevel
StruggleNormalUses this attack when all moves have no PP left.
Damages and you receive 1/4 the damage done
Stun SporeGrassParalyzes opponentLevel
SubmissionFightingDamages and you receive 1/4 the damage doneTM17
SubstituteNormalCreates a clone with 1/4 the HP of your pokémon. It will absorb all attacksTM50
Super FangNormalLowers opponent's HP to halfLevel
SupersonicNormalIf successful, confuses opponentLevel

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Swords DanceNormalDoubles your pokémon's attack temprarilyLevel

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Tail WhipNormalDecreases opponent's defense temprarialyLevel
Take DownNormalDamags and you receive 1/4 the damage inflictedTM09
TeleportPsychicIf successful, ends battle with wild pokémonTM30
ThrashNormalDamages but confuses your pokmonLevel
ThunderElectricDamages and may paralyze opponentTM25
Thunder WaveElectricParalyzes opponentTM45
ThunderboltElectricDamages and may paralyze opponentTM24
ThunderpunchElectricDamages and may paralyze opponentLevel
ThundershockElectricDamages and may paralyze opponentLevel
ToxicPoisonPoisons opponent. Damage increases every turn.TM06
TransformNormalMorphs into the enemy pokémon. Mocks types and moves.Level
Tri AttackNormal

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TwineedleBugAttacks twice and may poison opponentLevel

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Vine WhipGrass

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Water GunWater

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WhirlwindNormalIf successful, ends wild pokémon battle.TM04
Wing AttackFlying

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WithdrawWaterIncreases your pokémon's Defense temprarilyLevel
WrapNormalAttacks 2 to 5 times in a rowLevel