Move | Type | Description | Learn |
Absorb | Grass | Absorbs HP equal to 1/2 the attack damage | Level |
Acid | Poison | Damges and may poison opponent | Level |
Acid Armor | Poison | Boosts Defense temporarialy | Level |
Agility | Psychic | Doubles Speed temporarily | Level |
Amnesia | Psychic | Doubles Special Attack temporarialy | Level |
Aurora Beam | Ice | Damages may Freeze opponet and/or lower Attack temporarialy | Level |
Barrage | Normal | Attacks 2 to 5 times | Level |
Barrier | Psychic | Doubles Defense temporarialy | Level |
Bide | Normal | Lose 2 to 3 turns and pays back double damage | TM34 |
Bind | Normal | Attacks 2 to 5 times | Level |
Bite | Normal | Attacks and may "flinch" opponent | Level |
Blizzard | Ice | Attacks and may Freeze opponent | TM14 |
Body Slam | Normal | Attacks and may Paralyze opponent | TM08 |
Bone Club | Ground | Damages and may "flinch" opponent | Level |
Bonemerang | Ground | Attacks twice | Level |
Bubble | Water | Attacks and may lower opponents Speed | Level |
Bubble Beam | Water | Attacks and may lower opponents Speed | TM11 |
Clamp | Water | Attacks 2 to 5 times | Level |
Comet Punch | Normal | Attacks 2 to 5 times | Level |
Confuse Ray | Ghost | Confuses opponent | Level |
Confusion | Psychic | Confuses opponent | Level |
Constrict | Normal | Attacks and may decrease opponent's Speed | Level |
Conversion | Normal | Your pokémon switches to the opponent's type(s) | Level |
Counter | Fighting | Hits opponent twice the damage received only from physical attacks | TM18 |
Crabhammer | Water | Attacks and is a good chance of getting a critical hit | Level |
Cut | Normal | not avaliable | HM01 |
Defense Curl | Normal | Boosts Defense temporarialy | Level |
Dig | Ground | Digs, then attacks | TM28 |
Disable | Normal | Disables one of the opponents moves | Level |
Dizzy Punch | Normal | not avaliable | Level |
Double Kick | Fighting | Attacks twice | Level |
Double Team | Normal | Boosts Evade | TM32 |
Double-Edge | Normal | Your pokémon gets hit with 1/4 of the damage to the opponent | TM10 |
Doubleslap | Normal | Attacks 2 to 5 times | Level |
Dragon Rage | Dragon | Does 40 HP damage | TM23 |
Dream Eater | Psychic | While enemy is Sleeping, you absorb thier HP | TM42 |
Drill Peck | Flying | not avaliable | Level |
Earthquake | Ground | Not effective on Flying Pokémon | TM26 |
Egg Bomb | Normal | not avaliable | TM37 |
Ember | Fire | Attacks and may Burn opponent | Level |
Explosion | Normal | You faint and may defeat enemy in 1 move | TM47 |
Fire Blast | Fire | Attacks and may Burn opponent | TM38 |
Fire Punch | Fire | Attacks and may Burn opponent | Level |
Fire Spin | Fire | Attacks 2 to 5 times | Level |
Fissure | Ground | May defeat opponent in 1 hit. Not effective on Flying-Type Pok‚mon | TM27 |
Flamethrower | Fire | Attacks and may Burn opponent | Level |
Flash | Normal | Lowers enemy's Accuracy | HM05 |
Fly | Flying | Fly up in the air, then attacks | HM02 |
Focus Energy | Normal | Pump up and then attack. Good chance of a Critical Hit | Level |
Fury Swipes | Normal | Attacks 2 to 5 times | Level |
Glare | Normal | Paralyzes opponent | Level |
Growl | Normal | Lowers enemy's Attack power temporarily | Level |
Growth | Normal | Increases your pokémon's Attack temporarily | Level |
Guillotine | Normal | If successful, it defeats opponent in one hit KO | Level |
Gust | Flying | not avaliable | Level |
Harden | Normal | Increases your pokémon's Defense temporarily | Level |
Haze | Ice | Removes all status chanches e.g. sleep. | Level |
Head Butt | Normal | Deals damage and may "flinch" opponent. | Level |
Hi Jump Kick | Fighting | If it misses, it does 1/8 damage to your pokémon of what it could have done | Level |
Horn Attack | Normal | not avaliable | Level |
Horn Drill | Normal | If successful, it defeats opponent in one hit KO | TM07 |
Hydro Pump | Water | not avaliable | Level |
Hyper Beam | Normal | Fires on first turn, then recharges on the second turn | TM15 |
Hyper Fang | Normal | Damages and may "flinch" opponent | Level |
Hypnosis | Psychic | Puts enemy to sleep | Level |
Ice Beam | Ice | Damages and has a chance of freezing opponent | TM13 |
Ice Punch | Ice | Damages and has a chance of freezing opponent | Level |
Jump Kick | Fighting | If you miss you take 1/8 of damage that would have been dealt | Level |
Karate Chop | Fighting | Has a good chance of a critical hit | Level |
Kenisis | Psychic | Lowers opponents accuracy. This move can only be done by Metrodome. | Level |
Leech Life | Bug | Absorbs some of the enemy's HP and adds it to yours | Level |
Leech Seed | Grass | Absorbs some of the enemy's HP and adds it to yours | Level |
Leer | Normal | Lowers defense temporarialy | Level |
Lick | Ghost | Damages and may paralyze opponent | LeveL |
Light Screen | Psychic | Lowers enemy special attacks inflicted by half | Level |
Lovely Kiss | Normal | Puts opponent to sleep | Level |
Low Kick | Fighting | Damgaes and may "flinch" opponent | Level |
Meditate | Psychic | Increases your attack temporarialy | Level |
Mega Drain | Grass | Absorbs HP from enemy equal to 1/2 of yur attack | TM21 |
Mega Kick | Normal | not avaliable | TM05 |
Mega Punch | Normal | not avaliable | TM01 |
Metronome | Normal | Uses a random move | TM35 |
Mimic | Normal | Your pokémon mimics one of your opponent's attacks | TM31 |
Minimize | Normal | Increases your chance of evading an attack | Level |
Mirror Move | Flying | Your pokémon does the last attack | Level |
Mist | Ice | Prevents special attacks that lower any ability | Level |
Night Shade | Ghost | Atacks equal to your experience level | Level |
Pay day | Normal | You pickup extra cash at the end of the battle | TM16 |
Peck | Flying | not avaliable | Level |
Petal Dance | Grass | Damages but confuses your pokémon | Level |
Pin Missile | Bug | Attacks 2 to 5 times and may poison opponent | Level |
Poison Gas | Poison | Poisons enemy | Level |
Poison Sting | Poison | Damages and may poison enemy | Level |
Poison Powder | Poison | Poisons enemy | Level |
Pound | Normal | not avaliable | Level |
Psybeam | Psychic | Damages and may confuse enemy | Level |
Psychic | Psychic | Damages and may lower opponent's Special attack | TM29 |
Psywave | Psychic | Damages 1.5 times your pokémon's experience level | TM46 |
Quick Attack | Normal | Your pokémon attacks first | Level |
Rage | Normal | Your pokémon takes damage and increases its attack power | TM20 |
Razor Leaf | Grass | Has a good chance of a critical hit | Level |
Razor Wind | Flying | Charges on first turn, then attacks on the second | TM02 |
Recover | Normal | Restores half of your pokémon's maximum HP | Level |
Reflect | Psychic | Lowers all physical damage inflicted by half | TM33 |
Rest | Psychic | If successful, it recovers all HP, and you lose 2 turns | TM44 |
Roar | Normal | If successful, scares wild pokémon away and ends battle | Level |
Rock Slide | Rock | not avaliable | TM48 |
Rock Throw | Rock | not avaliable | Level |
Rolling Kick | Fighting | Damages and may "flinch" opponent | Level |
Sand-Attack | Normal | Lowers opponent's accuracy temporarily | Level |
Scratch | Normal | not avaliable | Level |
Screech | Normal | Lowers opponent's defense temporarily | Level |
Seismic Toss | Fighting | Damage equal to your pokémon's experience level | TM19 |
Self Destruct | Normal | Deals damage and your pokémon faints | TM36 |
Sharpen | Normal | Boosts your pokémon's attack power | Level |
Sing | Normal | Puts opponent to sleep | Level |
Skull Bash | Normal | Lowers its head on the first turn, then attacks on the second | TM40 |
Sky Attack | Flying | Glows on the first turn, then attacks on the second | TM43 |
Slam | Normal | not avaliable | Level |
Sleep Powder | Grass | Puts opponent to sleep | Level |
Sludge | Poison | Damages and may poison opponent | Level |
Smog | Poison | Damages and may poison opponent | Level |
Smokescreen | Normal | Lowers opponent's accuracy temprarily | Level |
Softbioled | Normal | Restores 1/2 of your pokémon's maximum HP | TM41 |
Solar Beam | Grass | Soaks up sunlight on the first turn, then attacks on the second | TM22 |
Sonicboom | Normal | Damages 20 HP | Level |
Spike Cannon | Normal | Attacks 2 to 5 times in a row | Level |
Splash | Normal | Wastes your time and a turn on not doing #@*& ! | Level |
Spore | Grass | Puts opponent to sleep | Level |
Stomp | Normal | Damages and may "flinch" opponent | Level |
Strength | Normal | not avaliable | HM05 |
String Shot | Bug | Lowers opponent's speed | Level |
Struggle | Normal | Uses this attack when all moves have no PP left. Damages and you receive 1/4 the damage done | Level |
Stun Spore | Grass | Paralyzes opponent | Level |
Submission | Fighting | Damages and you receive 1/4 the damage done | TM17 |
Substitute | Normal | Creates a clone with 1/4 the HP of your pokémon. It will absorb all attacks | TM50 |
Super Fang | Normal | Lowers opponent's HP to half | Level |
Supersonic | Normal | If successful, confuses opponent | Level |
Surf | Water | not avaliable | HM05 |
Swift | Normal | not avaliable | TM39 |
Swords Dance | Normal | Doubles your pokémon's attack temprarily | Level |
Tackle | Normal | not avaliable | TM03 |
Tail Whip | Normal | Decreases opponent's defense temprarialy | Level |
Take Down | Normal | Damags and you receive 1/4 the damage inflicted | TM09 |
Teleport | Psychic | If successful, ends battle with wild pokémon | TM30 |
Thrash | Normal | Damages but confuses your pokmon | Level |
Thunder | Electric | Damages and may paralyze opponent | TM25 |
Thunder Wave | Electric | Paralyzes opponent | TM45 |
Thunderbolt | Electric | Damages and may paralyze opponent | TM24 |
Thunderpunch | Electric | Damages and may paralyze opponent | Level |
Thundershock | Electric | Damages and may paralyze opponent | Level |
Toxic | Poison | Poisons opponent. Damage increases every turn. | TM06 |
Transform | Normal | Morphs into the enemy pokémon. Mocks types and moves. | Level |
Tri Attack | Normal | not avaliable | TM49 |
Twineedle | Bug | Attacks twice and may poison opponent | Level |
Vicegrip | Normal | not avaliable | Level |
Vine Whip | Grass | not avaliable | Level |
Water Gun | Water | not avaliable | TM12 |
Waterfall | Water | not avaliable | Level |
Whirlwind | Normal | If successful, ends wild pokémon battle. | TM04 |
Wing Attack | Flying | not avaliable | Level |
Withdraw | Water | Increases your pokémon's Defense temprarily | Level |
Wrap | Normal | Attacks 2 to 5 times in a row | Level |