Please select a member that you wish to e-mail. We will try as quicky as possible to return your message. Please report bugs, dead links, etc. so we may be alerted to repair the error(s). Not all members of this site will release thier e-mail address. We hold the right not to release any of our member's personal information.
If you're a member of this site and your e-mail address needs to be changed, please e-mail Webmaster Zapdos.
Name | Current Job |
Zapdos | Lead Webmaster, HTML Specialist |
Alakazam | Assistant Webmaster, Javascript Specialist |
Electabuzz | Assistant Webmaster |
Scyther | Infromation Provider |
Mewtwo | Pokémon Battle Specialist |
Nidoking | Codefinder |
'Lycos' (not the search engine) | Assistant Webmaster, CGI Specialist, affiliate coordinator |
Message from the Webmaster |
If you wish to become a staff member, you should e-mail me with the info on what you want to do. There are may positions open at this site, so you can almost do anything you want.
If you need further information, please e-mail me and I'll send you the information as soon as I can. |