From the day I started playing Pokémon, I have realized that when fighting agianst another player is very different. As most trainers know, the battle between another friend can be more difficult than before. Not many realize that there is the element of surprise involved with these kind of battles. I have faught many trainers and they fight very well, but they seem to be following a single trait. Most of these types of trainers believe in the strength or "attack power" of a move such as Hyper Beam. The problem of using these moves are that they have VERY low PP and a lower accuracy. A common trainer would always choose to teach Fire Blast to a strong fire-type pokémon such as Charizard. But what use is it having a move that can't hit? Some trainers are more flexible when teaching moves, but they also look at the stats of a pokémon first. More accurate moves such as Thunderbolt have the accuracy, but they do not do as much damage. However these moves can improve your survival during a battle. Moves that have the extra side effect of poison, paralysis, or burning are an important factor. These side effects can prevent a pokémon from attacking or it will lower thier health. Battle Tip: When a pokémon get's frozen, it can become a great tool. They can take the heat of an attack and save one of your pokémon from any more damage. One must unerstand the difference from a special attack and a physical attack even before he battles another player. What is a Special Attack ? A special attack is sometimes refered here as a "elemental" attack. Of these are:
What is a Physical Attack ? A physical attack is a attack that actually involves in some way of touching the enemy. The types that are physical...are all the other 10 types. These attacks will only be protected by the Defense rating of a pokémon. Damage of a special attack is rated by the Special rating of a pokémon and physical damage is rated by the Attack rating of a pokémon. Then the attack's power or "damage" is then figured in with the opponent pokémon's Special Defense and Defense depening on the type of attack. From there the hitpoints are removed and the procedure is done all over again for every attack. Most people think that a attack that matches thier type is a special attack, is wrong. The only reason for this is because it gives your pokémon a small boost of EXP points while training. That's it. When battling, it is a whole new world... When choosing your team, you should have a variety of types to battle with. A team of 6 pokémon can't cover all 17 types, but the moves of your team will. You have to choose wisely and your pokémon's stats play a role as well. Most Gold and Silver players will either use Ho-oh, Lugia or both in thier team lineup only because of thier stats and attacks. Then the may add in some high special attackers such as Alakazam to give an extra punch needed or some good pokémon that have a high attack rating. But what ever pokémon you choose, each pokémon has to have a variety of moves. At most, every pokémon should have a very accurate move that does some kind of damage, because a pokémon that can't attack in a head to head battle is useless. Another move should be a high damaging move that can do heavy damage. This move should be chosen wisely because some trainers use it all the PP up before you really need the firepower near the end of the battle. It's also good to have a defense move like Recover or Light Screen. You never know when you need to powerup your pokémon's stats. And the last move is completly up to you. It's also a good idea not to have many weaknesses in your team, too many of these weaknesses can bring your entire team down. Such as having Zapdos,Charizard, and Moltres can be defeated by Rock and Electric type moves. You should never have more than 2 pokémon of the same type. When the battle begins, the pokémon with the highest speed begins first. Speed only allows you to get in that attack first, but most do not last a single counter attack. Electrode is probably one of the worst pokémon to use in battle because it has such a low defense that it will be KO'd in one hit from a super strong pokémon that either has a high attack rating. From there it is all up to the trainer to decide what actions you pokémon do. I hope this will help you become a winner in every match. Afterall it is the only way to become a NeoPokémaster. |