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Our battledex will be downloadable and here are some of the things that will be included:
  • Includes all 251 original pokémon with GBC images.
  • Includes all 200 Ruby/Sapphire Pokemon (including those in the first games).
  • Pokédex entries for Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Ruby, Sapphire and Pokemon Stadium 1.
  • All moves that can be learned in all versions, including TMs and HMs from Ruby/Sapphire
  • All moves each individual pokemon can learn and the level they learn them at in each version
  • A very user friendly interface
  • Super small, easy to download :)
  • Moves that are learned thru pokémon breeding. (G/S Only)
  • Superfast loading of Pokémon data files (are all less than 2 KB).

Grand Master Scyther Notes: The GBC images may still be a possibility, but hard to capture and fit on the screen without being too distorted, but that's the least of my worries. The Pokedex entries are the same way, as they would take a long time to get together and type in.

These system requirments are not permanant. We still have yet to beta test the program.
System Requirements:
  - Pentium 100 MHz processor or faster with 32 MB RAM.
  - Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME
  - VBRUN600.DLL file in your \Windows\System\ directory
  - Approx. less than 2 MB of free hardrive space.

Yes I am aware that most computers can use this, but not all computers have the VBRUN600.DLL. Therefore we will offer it here just in case :). Many people are asking about a Mac version...well I don't program on a Mac, so I would advise Mac users to get a PC emulator with Windows so they can at least use our program.
If you want to suggest something, please do. Please e-mail Zapdos and he will make editations as these suggestions come in.