Welcome to the new page devoted to trainers who play the Pokemon TCG. As you can see, there's not much up right now, but soon, there will be links up for many different topics, including the rules (including the new confusion and 2-on-2 rules), as well as various articles I write up.
Until then, if you have any questions concerning the Pokemon TCG (such as rules), or a deck you'd like me to check out, drop me a line at Scyther879@yahoo.com with the subject "Pokemon TCG" (without the quotes).
12-03-2001: Deck Building Strategies
06-02-2003: A look at Psychic Pokemon
09-29-2003: A look at Grass Pokemon
10-05-2003: A look at Water Pokemon
10-20-2003: A look at Fire Pokemon
10-28-2003: A look at Electric Pokemon
11-17-2003: A look at Fighting Pokemon
11-24-2003: A look at Colorless Pokemon
12-08-2003: A look at Dark Pokemon
11-16-2005: Delta Species: First Look
06-15-2006: Holon Phantoms: First Look
Upcomming Articles:
A look at Steel Pokemon
Special Conditions
Trainer Cards Part 1
Trainer Cards Part 2
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